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Code Samples

The following samples will help move through the process of requesting numbers and retrieving stats.

This code uses the python oauth library that can be found at:

import oauth2 as oauth
import time, json

# Create your consumer with the proper key/secret.
consumer = oauth.Consumer(key="MY_CONSUMER_KEY",
client = oauth.Client(consumer)

headers = {};
headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';

url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/devices"
params = 'cc=CA&mnc=220&mcc=302&count=2'
resp, content = client.request(url, "GET", params, headers)
content = json.loads(content)
device = content['devices'][0]
print device

url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/stats"
params = 'min=%s' % device['min']
resp, content = client.request(url, "GET", params, headers)
stats = json.loads(content)['stat']
print stats

url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/user"
resp, content = client.request(url, "GET", '', headers)
user = json.loads(content)
print user

url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/message";
params = 'min=%s&message= %s Test Message Here&destination=DESTINATION' % (device['min'], user['smsCode'])
resp, content = client.request(url, "POST", params, headers)
message = json.loads(content)
print message

This sample uses the oauth ruby gem.
gem install oauth

require 'rubygems'
require 'oauth'

consumer_key = "MY_CONSUMER_KEY"
consumer_secret = "MY_CONSUMER_SECRET"
consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(consumer_key, consumer_secret,
                               :site => "https://api.mob4hire.com",
                               :http_method => :get)

access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.new consumer

url = "/v1/sms/devices"
result = access_token.get(url, { 'Accept' => 'application/json' })
json = JSON.parse(result.body)
device = json['devices'][1]
p device

url = "/v1/sms/stats?min=%s" % device["min"]
result = access_token.get(url, { 'Accept' => 'application/json' })
stats = JSON.parse(result.body)
p stats

url = "/v1/sms/user"
result = access_token.get(url, { 'Accept' => 'application/json' })
user = JSON.parse(result.body)
p user

url = "/v1/sms/message";
result = access_token.post(url, { :min => device["min"], :message => " %s Test Message Here" % user["smsCode"], :destination => 'DESTINATION'}, { 'Accept' => 'application/json' } )
message = JSON.parse(result.body)
p message

This sample uses the java oauth-signpost library at

import oauth.signpost.OAuth;
import oauth.signpost.OAuthConsumer;
import oauth.signpost.OAuthProvider;
import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthConsumer;
import oauth.signpost.basic.DefaultOAuthProvider;

import org.json.JSONObject;

public class mob {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    String url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/devices?cc=CA&mnc=220&mcc=302&count=2";
        JSONObject json = doRequest(url, "GET");
        JSONObject device = (JSONObject) json.getJSONArray("devices").get(0);

        url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/stats?min="+device.getString("min");
        json = doRequest(url, "GET");
        url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/user";
        JSONObject user = doRequest(url,"GET");
        url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/message";
        String message = URLEncoder.encode(" "+user.getString("smsCode")+" Test Message Here", "UTF-8");
        String query = "?min="+device.getString("min")+"&message="+message+"&destination=DESTINATION";
        json = doRequest(url+query, "POST");
    public static JSONObject doRequest(String sUrl, String method) throws Exception
        OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(
    URL url = new URL(sUrl);
        HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        request.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
        JSONObject o = new JSONObject(getResponse(request));
        return o;
    public static String getResponse(HttpURLConnection request) throws Exception
    BufferedReader rd  = null;
        StringBuilder sb = null;
        String line = null;
        rd  = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
        sb = new StringBuilder();
        while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null)
            sb.append(line + '\n');
        return sb.toString();


This sample uses the php oauth library at


include_once 'oauthsimple/php/OAuthSimple.php';

function doOauthRequest( $url, $params = array(), $action = 'GET' ) {
$key = 'MY_CONSUMER_KEY'; // this is your consumer key
$secret = 'MY_CONSUMER_SECRET'; // this is your secret key

$oauth = new OAuthSimple($key,$secret);

$result = $oauth->sign();
var_dump( '-----', $url, $result['signed_url']);

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Accept: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $result['signed_url']);
if( $action == 'POST' )
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);
$r = curl_exec($ch);
return json_decode( $r );

// make a request to get testable devices

$url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/devices";
$params = array(
'cc' => 'CA',
'mnc' => 220,
'mcc' => 302,
'count' => 1

$json = doOauthRequest( $url, $params );
$device = $json->devices[0];
print_r( $device );

// get the stats for a device

$url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/stats";
$params = array(
'min' => $device->min
$json = doOauthRequest( $url, $params );

print_r( $json );

// get the code we need to use to connect our test to our account

$url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/user";
$user = doOauthRequest( $url );

print_r( $user );

// send a test message

$url = "https://api.mob4hire.com/v1/sms/message";
$params = array(
'min' => $device->min,
'message' => ' '.$user->smsCode.' Test Message Here',
'destination' => 'DESTINATION'
$json = doOauthRequest( $url, $params, 'POST' );

print_r( $json );